It was introduce in ORACLE 9i, the ability to conditionally update or insert into a database table. merge statement avoid separate updates, increases the performance and ease of use and is useful in data warehouse applications.
Step 1. create a table using below command then insert some records in this table.
Step 2. Now insert some record in this table using following command.
Now select record from this table which is you created.
Retrieve records from second table.
Step 4. Now merge both table using following command, and get your output together.
Step 1. create a table using below command then insert some records in this table.
SQL> create table student(id number,name varchar2(22), score number); Table created.
Step 2. Now insert some record in this table using following command.
SQL> insert into student values(&id,'&name',&A); Enter value for id: 1 Enter value for name: AMIT Enter value for a: 232 old 1: insert into student values(&id,'&name',&A) new 1: insert into student values(1,'AMIT',232) 1 row created. SQL> / Enter value for id: 2 Enter value for name: RAHUL Enter value for a: 2321 old 1: insert into student values(&id,'&name',&A) new 1: insert into student values(2,'RAHUL',2321) 1 row created. SQL> / Enter value for id: 3 Enter value for name: ANKIT Enter value for a: 843 old 1: insert into student values(&id,'&name',&A) new 1: insert into student values(3,'ANKIT',843) 1 row created. SQL> / Enter value for id: 4 Enter value for name: AJAY Enter value for a: 452 old 1: insert into student values(&id,'&name',&A) new 1: insert into student values(4,'AJAY',452) 1 row created. SQL> / Enter value for id: 5 Enter value for name: ARUN Enter value for a: 543 old 1: insert into student values(&id,'&name',&A) new 1: insert into student values(5,'ARUN',543) 1 row created. Then commit all changes using below command. SQL> COMMIT; Commit complete.
Now select record from this table which is you created.
SQL> SELECT *FROM STUDENT; ID NAME SCORE -- ------ ------- 1 AMIT 232 2 RAHUL 2321 3 ANKIT 843 4 AJAY 452 5 ARUN 543
Step 3.
Now create one more table which is have same structure like student table and also have some same records using below command.
SQL> CREATE TABLE STUDENT_N AS SELECT * FROM STUDENT WHERE 1=2; Table created. SQL> INSERT INTO STUDENT_N VALUES(&ID,'&NAME',&S); Enter value for id: 4 Enter value for name: AJAY Enter value for s: '' old 1: INSERT INTO STUDENT_N VALUES(&ID,'&NAME',&S) new 1: INSERT INTO STUDENT_N VALUES(4,'AJAY','') 1 row created. SQL> / Enter value for id: 5 Enter value for name: ARUN Enter value for s: 600 old 1: INSERT INTO STUDENT_N VALUES(&ID,'&NAME',&S) new 1: INSERT INTO STUDENT_N VALUES(5,'ARUN',600) 1 row created. SQL> / Enter value for id: 6 Enter value for name: SACHIN Enter value for s: 787 old 1: INSERT INTO STUDENT_N VALUES(&ID,'&NAME',&S) new 1: INSERT INTO STUDENT_N VALUES(6,'SACHIN',787) 1 row created. SQL> / Enter value for id: 7 Enter value for name: SHRIPAL Enter value for s: 504 old 1: INSERT INTO STUDENT_N VALUES(&ID,'&NAME',&S) new 1: INSERT INTO STUDENT_N VALUES(7,'SHRIPAL',504) 1 row created. SQL> / Enter value for id: 8 Enter value for name: SPSINGH Enter value for s: 889 old 1: INSERT INTO STUDENT_N VALUES(&ID,'&NAME',&S) new 1: INSERT INTO STUDENT_N VALUES(8,'SPSINGH',889) 1 row created. SQL> COMMIT; Commit complete.
Retrieve records from second table.
SQL> SELECT *FROM STUDENT_N; ID NAME SCORE --- ------- ------ 4 AJAY 5 ARUN 600 6 SACHIN 787 7 SHRIPAL 504 8 SPSINGH 889
Step 4. Now merge both table using following command, and get your output together.
SQL> merge into student a using (select id,name,score from student_n) b on ( when matched then update set, a.score=b.score when not matched then insert (,,a.score) values(,,b.score); 5 rows merged.
SQL> select * from student; ID NAME SCORE -- ------ ----- 1 AMIT 232 2 RAHUL 2321 3 ANKIT 843 4 AJAY 5 ARUN 600 6 SACHIN 787 7 SHRIPAL 504 8 SPSINGH 889 8 rows selected.
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